Fat Vampire

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Utgiven: 2012
Sidor: 196
Format: Ljudbok
ISBN: B009KP93F4
Goodreadsbetyg: 3.75
When overweight treadmill salesman Reginald Baskin finally meets a co-worker who doesn't make fun of him, it's just his own bad luck that tech guy Maurice turns out to be a thousand-year-old vampire. And when Maurice turns Reginald to save his life, it's just Reginald's own further bad luck that he wakes up to discover he's become the slowest, weakest, most out-of-shape vampire ever born, doomed to "heal" to his corpulent self for all of eternity. As Reginald struggles with the downsides of being a fat vampire -- too slow to catch people to feed on, mocked by those he tries to glamour, assaulted by his intended prey and left for undead -- he discovers in himself rare powers that few vampires have… and just in time too, because the Vampire Council might just want his head for being an inferior representative of their race. Fat Vampire is the story of an unlikely hero who, after having an imperfect eternity shoved into his grease-stained hands, must learn to turn the afterlife's lemons into tasty lemon danishes.

Det här är en komisk, välskriven och heltokig bok om en man som blir vampyr när han är i sitt livs värsta form. Att för evigt vara överviktig känns ärligt talat som något jag är van vid redan, men nu pratar vi övernaturligt överviktig och det är betydligt bättre än det vi är vana vid.

En kort men naggande god bok som jag varmt kan rekommendera till alla vampyrälskare som vill läsa om något annat än sjukt vackra odödliga blodsugare.